Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries

Ag News & Alerts

Lewis County is approximately covered in 75% forested land. Statewide, forestry contributes $71.4 billion to Tennessee’s economy. Forestry employed more than 363,500 people, or 10.3 percent of the workforce in our state. Our forested lands also generate benefits from our wildlife enthusiast who enjoy our natural resources here in Lewis County.   How to improve your forested lands

Tennessee Forest Products Bulletin

A condensed report on forest products, prices, specifications, equipment, utilization news, etc…

Wildlife Management

We are dedicated to give you the most reliable research and data available for managing your land for wildlife of interest.
USDA (Natural Resources & Environment/Wildlife) Link

Pond Management

Our office can provide you information on stocking rates, fertilization rate, pond construction, aquatic weed control, and many more valuable tools pertaining to pond management.
Pond Management Publication